Maurice’s first game was Driver, in 1999. Since then he’s worked on over 50 published video games, including Fortnite, Killing Floor 2, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, Mafia III, Civilization VI, and the Wii Fit series. He’s worked as a producer, a designer, and a voice director, but most often as a writer. Between 2013 and 2015 he was Narrative Director at 2K Australia. Outside of games he works in TV and fiction, co-writing Alphablocks for BBC TV, and publishing a collection of short stories, Photocopies of Heaven. He holds a PhD in Creative Writing from Newcastle University, and a Masters in Global History from Birmingham University.
He is currently an Assistant Professor at RPI in Upstate NY, where his research interests are storytelling in games, board and card games as storytelling systems, history in games, and history of games.
Sometimes he works as a freelance writer, design consultant, voice director, motion capture director, animation director, or in some other consultant capacity within games and interactive entertainment.
Otherwise you may find him doing much of the stuff that humans are regularly found doing.
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